
Founder's Desk

Firstly I would like to thank the Almighty God for the  abundant blessings that He graciously showered upon Sacred Heart National School and upon the children of this region from the 1st of June 2004 onwards and then eventually at Vellannur from 26 April 2011 onwards. Let me extend my sincere gratitude to our friends and benefactors in Europe, especially those in Germany and invoke God's blessings upon them for their concern and sacrifice for the less privileged children of this region. As much you give so much you get in plenty.
The Management ,Staff and the Pupils convey special thanks to the Most. Rev. Dr.Remigiose Inchananiyil. Bishop of Thamarassery for having officially blessed and dedicated the School building. Many thanks are conveyed to Mr, Anton Zerfass and Mrs. Staphania Heid, Mercedes Benz, Germany for having inaugurated the buildings in the presence of Mr. K.E Rajagopal the Panchayath President, on the 29th of October 2014. Heartfelt thanks also to Mrs Mariyam Augustine Oravanamthadathil, Rev.Fr. Boben and Mrs. Bartocha for their inspiring presence. We are very grateful for the financial support of St Andreas Weinstadt, St Antonius, Waiblingen, Angels of peace ,Sindelfingen, Ss Cornelius & Cyprianus, Bad Buchau, Mercedes Benz, Stuttgart;  Kindermissionwerk Aachen; Holy Cross Church Kernen and Fam.Ziegler and Mrs.Rene Klein and many others.
On the 2nd of April 2015 we laid the foundation  stone for the construction of the new Blocks, trusting immensity in the providence of God.

Teachers lay the foundation for the tranformation of the society and also of a school.Commitment to the cause of education,undying thirst for  knowledge,an exemplary life of punctuality, regularity